Empowered Together
As a coach, I believe that everyone has an opportunity to thrive; there is always a way forward. I have a passion for helping people discover peace with God and unlock their full potential in community with others. I am a life-long learner willing to partner with individuals and organizations to create a supportive environment for growth in five key life pillars: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social. I encourage you to embrace excellence in every one of those aspects of life.
Many people wish to be healthy, but not all genuinely want it enough to pursue it. God desires us to live abundantly, but it’s up to us to choose whether we will aspire to excellence. Excellence, after all, is simply doing the best we can with what we have. When something is a true value to us, we pursue it wholeheartedly.
My personal journey began many years ago and has seen many ups and downs and twists and turns along the way. I have been a farmer, an independent business man, a pastor, a leadership director and a personal development coach with a dash of many other things thrown in. I am a husband, father, grandfather and friend, with a side order of being a pain at times challenging the status quo. My commitment to life-long improvement and personal and organizational development stems back to what a friend of mine once said to me, “I don’t want to die with my potential intact.”
Ultimately, we decide whether or not to reach our potential and pursue excellence. If we choose to do so, then by God’s grace and with His help, we can achieve His desire for us to experience excellence in Body, Mind, and Soul.

Everyone needs a hand up