Can You Handle the Truth?
In both the stage and movie production of A Few Good Men, the most memorable scene unfolds at the climax. Col. Nathan Jessup, an arrogant autocrat, is confronted by defense attorney Lt. Daniel Kaffee. When asked for the truth, Jessup angrily screams the iconic line, “You can’t handle the truth!”
What Is Truth?
The truth. What is it, and how well do we handle it?
Harvard University’s motto, Veritas—Latin for “Truth”—once symbolized educational integrity. However, recent actions by its administration suggest otherwise. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) ranks Harvard dead last in its annual freedom of speech rankings. Many other educational institutions fare no better.
The Question of Truth in History
Pontius Pilate famously asked Jesus, “What is truth?” during the sham trial that led to Jesus’ crucifixion. Ironically, Pilate, a leader responsible for justice, did not understand truth.
In today’s world—whether in politics, commerce, or corporate leadership—many leaders appear equally unaware of the truth.
Truth as the Foundation of Life and Relationships
Can we experience life, freedom, or success without truth? Can any relationship thrive without it? Truth, not the subjective “individual truth” claimed in postmodern ideologies, but an unchanging, absolute anchor, is essential. What we believe to be true doesn’t make it so.
This is why free speech, debate, and questioning matter—they help us avoid foolish decisions.
Truth and Trust in the Workplace
In my conversations with marketplace leaders, truthfulness often arises as a key issue. Employees, hired to contribute to an organization’s success, sometimes pretend to do their best while cutting corners. Employers, in turn, may make lofty promises and then exploit their workers.
This mirrors the old Soviet joke: “They pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work.” In such cases, truth and trust are absent.
Can trust exist without truth? Stephen R. Covey’s book The Speed of Trust highlights the importance of trust in organizations. When trust breaks down, both businesses and relationships suffer.
Does Truth Really Set Us Free?
The phrase “The truth will make you free” sounds profound, but is it true? Many individuals and organizations that claim to know the truth remain trapped in their own deception. Even the Bible says the devil knows the truth and trembles.
Knowing the truth and living it are two different things. One leads to freedom; the other leaves you bound.
The Context of Freedom in Truth
To understand this better, consider the often-misquoted biblical phrase, “The truth will set you free.” In John 8:31-32, Jesus tells believers, “If you hold to my teaching, then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
Truth and freedom arise from living according to Jesus’ teachings. Jesus—the Son of God and risen Messiah—embodies truth. Without Christ, there is no Christmas, only an empty celebration.
The Power of Truth
Without truth, there is no trust, integrity, or freedom. What can we celebrate without Christ, the Prince of Peace and paradigm of truth, who came to set us free from sin?
Knowing the truth requires living it, and that truth is Jesus. A person, relationship, organization, or country cannot achieve freedom or true success without embracing and living by truth.
Can You Handle the Truth?
Can you embrace this kind of truth and, in doing so, become all you were created to be? If so, may you have a blessed and Merry Christmas.
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